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Forest Stand Inventory Data

Source data for this group fall into two groups:

1. Data regarding forests managed by the State Forests Holding.
2. Data regarding forests not managed by the State Forests Holding.

Source data regarding forests managed by the State Forests Holding:

  • Updated stand inventory as of January 1 of the year. The data comes from the IT System of the State Forests Holding. The update is done in each forest district separately before it files a LPIR-4 statistical form. Once the form is filed, the data is copied from the IT System of the State Forests Holding to the Forest Data Bank. 
  • Stand inventory data as of the first day of a forest district management plan validity period. The data comes from the IT System of the State Forests. In some cases, the data is imported from databases prepared by contractors developing forest management plans.

Source data regarding forests not managed by the State Forests Holding:

  • Stand inventory according to simplified forest mangement plan (UPUL), forest condition inventory (ISL), forest management plan (PUL), protection plan of forest ecosystems in national parks (POEL), as of January 1 of the current year. Data is obtained from organizations supervising forests outside of the State Forests Holding, mainly county offices and national park administration.
  • Updated forest stand inventory. Due to the fact that organizations supervising forests of the State Forests Holding do not submit to BDL information about yearly changes in forest stands (calculated increment, stand age, fellings and silvicultural avtivities), the update is carried out in BDL to the state on January 1 of the current year by means of a custom algorithm developed in BULiGL. It should be emphasized that the update does not reflect the actual state of the forest on the ground, but it is a simulation of changes that may occur in the stands, carried out on the basis of available inventory data. A schematic algorithm for the update process is shown in the figure.