Welcome to Forest Data Bank.

About portal

The main objective of the Forest Data Bank (BDL) web portal is to share information on the condition of Polish forests and their future prospects for development by the means of descriptive and geo-referenced spatial data. Therefore, you will find the following groups of data in the portal’s resources:

Stand description data

1. Recent stand description (as of 1 January of the current year) for the State Forests along with the layers of:

2. Current data for statistical units concerning the forest areas outside the remit of the State Forests (communal or private forests, National Parks, etc.). Additionally, a layer of division boundaries presenting statistical units.

3. Statistical units generated out of recent data (as of 1 January of the current year) for the area of the State Forests.

Forecasting data

Data on development forecasts concerning forest resources and the potential for main felling. This data concerning all forest ownership types is generated for each year on the basis of up-to-date information, and then it is shared with the users.

External data on the following areas of interest:

  • forest protection,
  • fire protection,
  • nature conservation,
  • environment monitoring,
  • hydrology,
  • climatology,
  • geology,
  • nature and forest regionalisation,
  • forest functional areas,
  • seed regionalisation,
  • National Register of Boundaries.

There are the newest datasets accessible in BDL portal structures compatible with these operating in the computing database.

Digital map with the following primary content:

1. for forests administered by the State Forests

  • up-to-date boundaries of forest compartments,
  • boundaries of forest divisions,
  • boundaries of forest districts,
  • boundaries of RDSF

2. for forests outside the State Forests:

  • boundaries of current statistical units,
  • boundaries of communes, counties and provinces,
  • boundaries of other forest administration units, e.g. National Parks,
  • other data.

3. topographic map or orthophotomap, depending on the licences and agreements authorising the State Forests to use other databases,

4. information on recent forest inventory of forest imaging spatial objects.